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Mindless purchasing - CD edition

Well, after this Germany trip I will totally reward myself with this fella. I'm 100% sure about it. Really; thinking about ordering this piece of resin makes me a little too excited to assemble and paint this piece before finishing Chaos Dwarf infantry that I have, so this must be stored well to my secret collection of unstarted miniatures.

My full-metal Chaos Dwarf army consists of the following ingredients:

24 Chaos dwarf warriors (painted? no? yes? stripped again?)
18 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbussers
20 Sneaky Gits
6 Bull centaurs
1 Sorcerer on Lammassu
1 Lord on Bull taurus (painted!)
2 Heroes
Earth Shaker+crew
Rocket Launcher+crew (Halfway painted!)

At this point my Chaos Dwarf collection is large enough to keep me busy a long time, but here in my secondary apartment I can't do anything to get this project going on - except that in a local hobby store they also have AOW plastic Dwarf Berserkers which have given me a good idea of converting some slaves to the army. Hobgoblins would be cool to own (I have 20 Sneaky Gits with identical poses - oh gosh) but I'm sure that I'd need to spent a fortune to get a playable unit of those guys. The other thing I've decided to order are these three daemonsmiths. I already have few characters of the old range, but I think that these might fit to a special group I'm planning to build.

And how about the new Bull Centaurs? The old ones are tiny compared to them... but that's the policy nowadays - bigger is better. I must agree.

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