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If smoking were to be a religion.

.. Dunhill Reds, would surely be Almighty Lord.

and and, smoking after a meal and when taking a dump would surely be a commandment.

Okay, that was some contrived nonsense.

.. No lah, not really contrived I really did mean it.

Anyways, really been intending to update my blog just that haven't really got the time and/or the mood to do so. I had much to say, but after a while it slipped like mind. So really, I have nothing to say. No really, I mean it. Leave, now. Nothing for you to read here.

..Okay lah I was kidding, since when does a person like me ever run out of things to say? Right?


Really lah, damn nothing to say.

But on the other hand, I think almost everyone has a great story to tell, an inspiring one in fact, the struggles in life they had and the ups and downs they've had. Take one that I've had for example, just the other I needed to shit and I realized the only cubicle left are the only ones that has the toilet bowl where you have to sit on it. Now, obviously I don't wanna land my precious silky smooth, pearly white butt on it it would significantly alter its value. So what does one do, given a situation like this?


You squat in a position with great likeliness of spiderman, with both your legs on the toilet seat. Remember I mentioned, that everyone has their ups and downs? Well, imagine having a cramp while shitting in that position. Really not much fun. Further proving my thesis ; even superheroes have their ups and downs and that superheroes don't have normal cramps they have super cramps. Yes, I do honestly think that what I said is funny. Now, LAUGH!



Or I might just bite your ears off.

I think that's pretty much diverted away from the topic. Never mind, allow me to attempt to get back into topic. Just the other day, I had an engaging and rather inspiring conversation with a taxi driver when I was on the way to see the redhead. To my surprise, this mere taxi driver is fairly educated. Wait, let me rephrase. Very, educated. Apparently, he's got a Bachelor's Degree in engineering and was a rather prominent entrepreneur at his younger age earning a decent amount of money and basically living life in luxury.


and now, he's a taxi driver. Earning in about 2000$ at best, if he works double shift and is contented with it. A man who's given up on life, a man who's telling a complete stranger , not just to a complete stranger but to another man who's half is age and probably knows and gone thrown less than half the things he's gone through in life that he's thinks he's no longer good enough for society. I mean surely, when he was at his younger age he was an ambitious young man who fights the battle of life ever so valiantly. So, what happened in between?

.. What's the reason behind all these inferiority complex? What made a man who was so successful now, so broken down. What is that happened in the past that could possibly break a man down towards a point of no return?

..I never really got to find out for I had already reached my destination before I left he left me a handful of advises, that personally I truly found applicable and nonetheless, useful.

It sent a chill down my spine, I feared that I would one day end up like that. Driving a cab, telling a young man half my age about how glorious my life was and have him blogging about me.. Thats besides the point, but its not like I'm already successful or even close to it, In fact I think I'm only taking my first few steps into the tougher parts of life. But really, all in all the conversation really inspired me and it came to my attention that there are a substantial amount of taxi drivers out there who came from professional backgrounds ranging from doctors to engineers.

.. Tell me, how is one to ensure security?

People story never cease to amaze me and tick my brains to actually start clocking its gears. I love having conversations with complete strangers and thats partially the reason why, I sometimes enjoy my job doing sales. I know Im weird, shut up. Why do you think Im friends with you anyways? Birds of a feather flock together remember?

.. No opposites attract does not apply here. Shut up. Im awesome you're not.

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