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Master Box Ltd. - Great Figures for Dioramas

As a kid I used to spend many long hours playing war with my little green army men. It was always American GIs versus German infantry, or Marines versus the onrushing Japanese, or when manufactures started getting away from previous nationalist tendencies, Green versus Tan. I had my favorite soldiers, of course, and the other less favored were either left in the bucket or killed at the forefront of battle. 
To remain in the ranks of my good graces, a toy soldier had to ready for combat. This meant they had to be firing a rifle, manning a machine gun, heaving a grenade, or shouldering a bazooka - not dilly dallying behind a mine sweeper. If the soldier wasn't fixing to shoot something, he was fixing to be shot. That was my credo, any way, and I played by it.

Now that I've graduated to plastic models and military dioramas, suffice it to say my belief hasn't changed much. I prefer scenes full of action and drama. Not to say I can't appreciate a peaceful wartime display, which sounds strikingly like an oxymoron, but I like to see a struggle - whether its emotional or physical.
Master Box Ltd is one of the best manufacturers for catering to these preferences.

They have a line of plastic military figures that embodies drama through their unique poses and storyline. I just purchased their kit depicting a frontier hand to hand fight between Russians and Germans during the summer of 1941. It isn't a scene that I've viewed often in modeling circles, but this and others like it are what you can expect from a company like Master Box.
Judging by their upcoming releases, it looks like they will continue the trend of figure kits representing some intense wartime action - which if you're anything like me, is good news!

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