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this weekend..

.... I am limping. Yes, that's right, my jogging days are over almost before they began. To be fair, my knee was a bit sore before I started but no more than one might expect at my age. It doesn't hurt much while I am moving, or jogging, just when I change position, for example when I stand up. I cannot bend to tie my trainer laces, which is embarrassing. Honestly, I cannot remember what a pain free body feels like. I shall hold onto that memory of my last half marathon, run in 2012, my last long run.

.... I didn't take James for his first race running for his club because it turned out he was too young to participate. He was signed up to run the junior relay cross country at the national cross country championships. He was a bit disappointed but I was delighted because I didn't have to stand around in the cold countryside for an unduly long time.

.... I have ironed every single wrinkle out of my hexagon quilt. It was very satisfying to see all those seams laying completely flat. No finger pressing of seam allowances with English Paper Piecing, all is neat and tidy. I am waiting for the wadding to arrive. I opted for wadding with a silk and bamboo blend, which is soft and warm. I also finished quilting Alistair's quilt.

.... Sam and I got our influenza jabs. This leaves only Annie, who is too old for the school immunisation and too young for the drop-in sessions at the pharmacy. We'll have to make a GP appointment for her instead. I urge everybody to get theirs done, even if it does not offer 100% protection. You'll protect those around you that cannot be immunised.

..... At 2:17 am., I was woken up by an idling car outside the house, followed by the door bell ringing. Two big bags of MacDonalds food were delivered. Really. After some stern words with the teenage boys in the house (who didn't bother answering the door and collect their order), I went back to bed. 5 minutes later the door bell went again. A large pizza was delivered. I was properly angry and there may have been some shouting. I mean, we have a house full of food! The two delivery drivers will have the sight of a half asleep me in my pjs imprinted on their retina for ever, poor chaps. It was difficult to get back to sleep and I listened to the radio for a while. Next time I woke up it was 2:34 am. I thought I was going bananas but then I remembered it was the night the clocks went back. There must have been a delay with my phone changing the time display?

....  two teenage boys were feeling worse for wear the next morning. They were apologetic for waking everyone up. I think it might have been me shouting actually. Alas, Sam cleaned the bathroom, hoovered the hallways and stairs, washed a couple of floors, tidied the kitchen and helped with the laundry. I didn't ask Sam's Billy to help but I was tempted.

..... James and Alistair were out on their bikes pretty much from morning to evening on Sunday. It was a glorious autumn day. Richard cleared up the front garden, the annual mowing of the wildflower widow was due. It looks all neat and tidy, until next year. I think I shall order some yellow rattle seeds to make sure the grasses won't take over next spring.

..... we had friends over for Sunday dinner. Steak pie, mashed potatoes, vegetables and salad followed by a pumpkin & spice bundt cake with ice cream. It felt good to have fun company and delicious food. A happy ending to a good weekend.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Have a lovely week my friends. xx

P.S. The photos were taken on last week when schools were closed due to industrial action. four little kids, Jack and I had a great time exploring. Jack was so excited, I couldn't photograph him. It was very funny.

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